The passive program examples included in this toolkit are for libraries to use either as-is, or to update for relevancy with current events, to fit with the look and feel with other library branding, etc. These passive programs are designed for patrons to participate in without any additional instruction or direction from library staff. These programs encourage patrons to think about how they interact with the news, to think critically about their news sources and to consider validity of the content in their news. These passive programs can also be delivered as part of a facilitated library program, depending on the library audience. Libraries are encouraged to be creative with the use of these passive programs.
Passive Program Ideas
News Sort –Â Â Instructions, Activity Grid, and Handout |
News Source Review –Â Instructions and Review Grid |
Weekly question about the news – Instructions and Sample Poster |
Write your own news article –Â Instructions, Handout, and Slips |
Photo Shop or Not? – Sample Poster |
Word search, crossword, and/or adult coloring page – Sample Crossword |