Financial Support
CLSA Funds for Public Libraries
For FY 2018/19, PLP received $695,935 in California Library Services Act (CLSA) funding as allocated by the California Library Services Board to be used for Communication and Delivery for public libraries. PLP uses these funds to offset the cost of delivery of materials among member libraries. This year, the annual enki subscription will not be renewed. $200,000 will be distributed by formula to the PLP libraries to choose from the following services to be paid for at the local level: : enki, Overdrive (only for the 19 libraries which are in a shared environment), Bibliotheca’s CloudLibrary Consorita product, Broadband hardware and telecommunication costs, Link+, and a special project among some MOBAC libraries for a shared ILS study. Other funds will be allocated throughout the year. Previously, $50,000 was allocated for PLP libraries to join SimplyE, an open source application allowing for the discovery and reading of eBooks from multiple eBook platforms.
Financial Support for PLP Staff Development Initiatives and Activities
The PLP Executive Committee has allocated $12,000 this Fiscal Year to support staff development initiatives and activities, such as trainings and workshops. Twice a year (in June and December) a call for requests has been put forth. If your library is considering training and would like to partner with other PLP libraries to expand the training, this is a great opportunity. In addition, if your regional network has ideas for training, they may review the PLP Financial Support Requests for Staff Development Initiatives and Activities Policy and respond to the call for requests.
Innovation and Technology Opportunity Grants
Each fiscal year, the Pacific Library Partnership, through a competitive process, awards grants to PLP libraries to support innovation and technology. They are awarded in two categories: Innovation and Technology Opportunity Grants, and the Grant Replication Program. The grant amounts awarded vary, but typically are up to $12,000. These grants are highly competitive and the winners will best represent innovative ideas for improving communities through accessible technology.
For detailed criteria and past awards, please view the grants page