Core Presentation
The Finding Quality News PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of important news literacy concepts and gives patrons skills they can use to be thoughtful consumers of news. The presentation features the following sections and content:
The changing media landscape
- How the shift from “traditional” media to social media has affected the news
- The filter bubble: How social media affects the content that each user sees
- Tips for bursting the filter bubble
News and (Mis)information
- Characteristics of a news story
- Overview of content categories patrons might encounter, such as opinion, advertising and advocacy messages
- Types of fake news and misinformation
Becoming a thoughtful consumer of news
- Tips and techniques for digging deeper into the news
- Questions to ask yourself and things to consider when reading a news story
- Online tools for fact-checking
What the library provides
- Accessing diverse news sources using library websites
- Library databases that can be used to conduct background research
- *Examples can be added or customized based on your library’s offerings
Reflections and next steps
- Review of major themes and best practices
- Reflection questions that can be discussed with a partner or in small groups
Putting the presentation in use
While care has been taken to provide helpful examples and a solid overview of introductory concepts, we encourage you to edit the presentation as you see fit. Each section can be modified based on audience needs. Feel free to add examples from current events or content that would be relevant to your audience. Add your library’s resources to section four or your own discussion questions to section five. We encourage you to include links to resources that your library offers and to promote related library programming that may be of interest to patrons. Our focus groups indicated that many patrons were not aware of library resources for free news sources and periodicals online and were very appreciative.